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Monday, April 23, 2012

GHERKINS (Dondakaya) FRY

Gherkins / kunduru: 1/2kg
Mustard Seeds: 1tsp
Urad dal: 1tsp
Green Chilis: 2
Turmeric Powder 
Red Chili Powder
Oil: 2tbsp

  1.  Heat oil in a pan, fry mustard seeds, urad dal, green Chilis and curry leaves.
  2. Now, add chopped gherkins and garlic.
  3. Now, also add turmeric powder, salt and mix well and put lid on it.
  4. Cook until gherkins well cooked.
  5. Add Red chilli powder and fry for some time.

TIP:  To cook gherkins quickly  either you can add one more spoon oil or pour water on the lid(plate). The water drops will fall in pan and that will help to cook quickly. 


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